Noise Level Testing Service for Tilbury

Serving Tilbury and the surrounding area, we provide in-depth noise level testing services. IES Consulting Group is experienced in the noise level testing field, bringing in over 25 years of noise testing experience. Not only can our noise testing professionals ensure your Tilbury business conforms with Ontario Regulation 381/15, we also assist you in ensuring your valued team members have full protection from dangerous noise exposure.

More About Noise Level Testing

By using dosimeters or integrated sound level metering equipment, noise level testing is able to provide accurate results. Noise level testing can take place within a set area, or throughout a number of areas so you are able to receive further insight as to the noise levels found within your Tilbury location.

Ensuring noise levels are accurately measured is key to ensuring the safety of your team members, as noise level testing is a crucial component of a workplace hearing conservation program. Noise level testing is also able to give you information as to the level of protection your current hearing protection provides and whether it is enough.

Plan Your Noise Level Test Today

Work with our experienced noise level testing team to start your noise level testing. Connect with our noise level testers by phoning 519.256.8388 today.


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