It is an Ontario Regulation 278/05 requirement that the owner shall prepare and keep on premises a record containing the information about all known asbestos-containing materials on-site. It is also a requirement that each site has a condition assessment done (a minimum of annually, or when new information becomes available) by someone deemed a competent person, to determine that all asbestos-containing materials are in acceptable condition and not damaged, deteriorating, delaminating or otherwise causing any risk to building occupants.
An Asbestos Management Plan is an Ontario Regulation 278/05 requirement when the owner of a building knows or ought reasonably to know that a material in the building is considered an asbestos-containing material. An Asbestos Management Plan typically includes:
- A record detailing the location and condition of asbestos-containing materials (ACM) whether friable or non-friable;
- Who to call in case of an asbestos spill;
- Which workers are trained in asbestos removal and/ or cleanup, if applicable;
- Any company specific procedures that go above and beyond the Ontario Regulations and/ or applicable guidelines;
- Who is responsible for the asbestos inventory;
- Who is responsible for the condition assessment, etc.
IES offers our Integrated Health and Safety Online Management Program (HSO) that removes the hassle of maintaining compliance with not only asbestos in buildings, but a wide range of health and safety responsibilities.
Have questions? See our video or write-up below, or just give us a call!
What is an Asbestos Management Plan?
An Asbestos Management Plan is an Ontario Regulation 278/05 requirement when the owner of a building knows, or ought reasonably to know, that a material in the building is considered an asbestos-containing material.
How does it impact you as a building owner or manager?
Ontario Legislation requires that a building owner shall prepare and keep on premises a record containing the information about all known asbestos-containing materials on-site.
It is also a requirement that each site has a condition assessment performed on an annual basis, or when new information becomes available. This reassessment is performed to ensure all asbestos-containing materials are in acceptable condition and not damaged, deteriorating, delaminating or otherwise causing any risk to building occupants.
What can IES do for you?
We perform room-by-room inspections and identify all potential asbestos containing materials present in your building. We create data tables and legends that provide clear, concise details for quantity, condition and make the appropriate recommendations for proper maintenance, and if needed, removals.
IES also offers our Integrated Health and Safety Online Management Program, or HSO, that removes the hassle of maintaining compliance with not only asbestos in buildings, but a wide range of health and safety responsibilities.
Reach out to IES Consulting today to see how we can help.