- January 9, 2023
- Posted by: Chris Croft
- Category: Noise Level Testing
Our noise level testing services are available throughout Kingsville and the surrounding area. Providing over 25 years of experience providing noise testing, IES Consulting Group is your local experts in the noise level testing field. Keep your Kingsville business in line with Ontario Regulation 381/15 and work with our noise testing professionals, ready to help protect your valued team members from the dangers of noise exposure.
Noise Level Testing Simplified
Utilizing noise level testing equipment such as dosimeters or integrated sound level metering equipment gives you an accurate reading. Gain deeper insight into the noise levels within your Kingsville building with accurate noise level testing, whether performed in a set area or throughout a number of areas.
Measuring noise levels is a crucial step in the long-term safety of your team members and a required step in the noise level testing that occurs within a workplace hearing conservation program. Noise level testing also helps ensure that your existing hearing protection equipment is able to adequately handle existing noise levels.
Time For Your Noise Level Test
Our expert noise level testing team wants to help you by completing your noise level testing today. Phone 519.256.8388 and talk with one of our noise level testers today.