Mould Testing Service Tecumseh

Let our team of professionally trained and certified mould testers help you as they are on hand to help discover the type and amount of airborne mould spores that could be lurking within your Tecumseh location. At IES Consulting Group, we are proud to have more than 25 years experience providing accurate mould testing services in Tecumseh and beyond, as we experts in understanding indoor air quality and the effects mould spores can have, capable of triggering serious health effects in susceptible individuals. We work hard tour you, providing results in 3-5 day or 1-2 day results, depending on your needs.

Targeted Mould Testing

Having lower overhead than larger competitors, at IES we proudly provide advanced mould testing services to Tecumseh, Ontario at more affordable rates. Visiting your Tecumseh building, our mould testing specialists are able to take both bulk samples and tape lifts on materials identified of showing potential impact from mould growth. Once sampled and tested, we are able to inform you on the type and amount of mould growth found within the areas tested.

Test Results Simplified

Ensuring our mould samples are tested at an accredited laboratory, we provide thorough results. Once analyzed, we provide you with the test results of your mould samples using terms that are straight-forward and easier to understand, while also providing recommendations for mould remediation at your Tecumseh location, guiding you on improving your indoor air quality. If mould related issues show in our test results, we can assist you by recommending a mould removal specialist close to you in Tecumseh, Ontario so you are able to professional resolve any mould issue you may have.

Thorough Tecumseh Mould Testing Made Easy

Let us help you get started dealing with your mould testing needs. If you are local to Tecumseh, Ontario, phone our office today and start addressing your mould testing needs. 519.256.8388

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